Thursday, May 19, 2011

BharatSwabhimanBlog: भ्रस्टाचार मिटाओ सत्याग्रह का सन्देश हर नोटिस बोर्...

BharatSwabhimanBlog: भ्रस्टाचार मिटाओ सत्याग्रह का सन्देश हर नोटिस बोर्...: "हर नोटिस बोर्ड , हर दिवार , हर हाथ तक स्वामी राम देव जी द्वारा 4 जून 2011 से शरू होने वाले ' भ्रस्टाचार मिटाओ सत्याग्रह ' का ये एक पेज का..."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sub Mast Hai Ektra Karne mei Magar Kya ???

Traffic Police /Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad/National High Way Authority/Ghaziabad Administartion/Uttar Pradesh Sarkar/Parking Mafias

Our respective above mentioned Deptt . are very seriously implementing the policies for the comfort of all the Human beings.

But How serious for Human beings or Tax payers you can feel when you travel on the Roads entering in UP from Delhi Border,

e.g. :

1.Road which Connect Ghazipur to Mohan Nagar via Dabar .Near Bikaner Nagar nigam has given Theka to Parking wala Mafia which is encroaching the Main Road but nobody is questing either Bikanerwala /Parking wala as everybody has made setting to mint money from Public ,they are least worried about the facilities to Public.If Some body speaks against this ten Constable like Raffick Khan show him like Sub Inspector and abuses a common man and give influence of Verdi as he has got the posting after paying a heavy amount.

2.The Traffic Police meant for controlling the Traffic always busy in minting the money they hardly do any challans,as all money comes into their pocket.

3.All Jungle raj on Roads

4.Unauthorised encroachments on the Roads by giving Haftas to Police walas.

5.Heavy vehicles can move in prohibited time by giving facilitation fee.

6.Unauthorised Buses/Tempos are running by giving facilitation fees.

7.You can see more than 100 vehicles compounded in night Sector-7 Vasundhra Police Station but by noon all will be released after delivering facilitation fee.

8.There is passion among people to drive their vehicle on wrong side.

9.Country In Hotel has removed their some of illegal encroachment ,but other are still holding ,it seems there is no law and order.

There are lot of issues,daily all the administration people are passing through the Roads,but why they will take action ,as their income of No 2 will be stopped.

So it is matter of worry we are increasing corruption by not asking to these inactive people.

Sub Mast Hai Ektra Karne mei Magar Kya ???

Traffic Police /Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad/National High Way Authority/Ghaziabad Administartion/Uttar Pradesh Sarkar/Parking Mafias

Our respective above mentioned Deptt . are very seriously implementing the policies for the comfort of all the Human beings.

But How serious for Human beings or Tax payers you can feel when you travel on the Roads entering in UP from Delhi Border,

e.g. :

1.Road which Connect Ghazipur to Mohan Nagar via Dabar .Near Bikaner Nagar nigam has given Theka to Parking wala Mafia which is encroaching the Main Road but nobody is questing either Bikanerwala /Parking wala as everybody has made setting to mint money from Public ,they are least worried about the facilities to Public.If Some body speaks against this ten Constable like Raffick Khan show him like Sub Inspector and abuses a common man and give influence of Verdi as he has got the posting after paying a heavy amount.

2.The Traffic Police meant for controlling the Traffic always busy in minting the money they hardly do any challans,as all money comes into their pocket.

3.All Jungle raj on Roads

4.Unauthorised encroachments on the Roads by giving Haftas to Police walas.

5.Heavy vehicles can move in prohibited time by giving facilitation fee.

6.Unauthorised Buses/Tempos are running by giving facilitation fees.

7.You can see more than 100 vehicles compounded in night Sector-7 Vasundhra Police Station but by noon all will be released after delivering facilitation fee.

8.There is passion among people to drive their vehicle on wrong side.

9.Country In Hotel has removed their some of illegal encroachment ,but other are still holding ,it seems there is no law and order.

There are lot of issues,daily all the administration people are passing through the Roads,but why they will take action ,as their income of No 2 will be stopped.

So it is matter of worry we are increasing corruption by not asking to these inactive people.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Students Appearing In Examinations of Boards in High School & Intermediate

Jai Shri Krishna !!!
I wish to Bring the attention of All the Officials of admnistration of NCR ,kindly extend your duties at least for the sake of Children who are the future of Nation.
I am telling you the Practical live example of Today ,I had drooped my Child in DAV,Chandernagar from Vasundhra Ghazibad so I opted the root through Industrail Are Site IV Sahibabad,and from the cross way of Bell we were supposed to take right turn but by seeing the whole traffic Zam over the Bridge towards Surya nagar Chander nagar we decided to go straight through Kaushambi Annad Vihar then to right from traffic signal and then took risght turn tor each Chander nagar,but here also traffic was badly moving,no Authority from Traffic Deppt of UP were present no where either on Border or any where Present.
This is really very Sympathetic that No attention is being paid into this direction,only the Traffic Police Inspectors are deputed for clearing the traffic for Polticians and Bureacreates.
And even the Heavy Vechiels (Trucks ) etc s banned in morning,and U.P Roadways & DTC Bussues are not following their routes.Who will cotrol It is matter of Great worry ?????
The Areas of Border near Anand Vihar is encroached by Hawkers Police stations,Auto Taxi Drivers and it is so dirty and totaly indiciplined that it gives a feeeling ,how peoples are investing into the property in this HOT CITY,which is really HOT in temperment of people on Road and HOT in the pockets of Dishonest persons who dont perform their duty and wait for the Bribe.
This is sad affair,but see the effect on the Psycology of the students who is appearing into the exams.And they dont want to listen about Policts and the adminsatrtive sytem.
And the Traffic Jams and Crimes is being increasing in NCR day by day due to Unrest in the thoughts of Youth which is very harm ful.
This Problem we all are facing but everu body is silent.
Jai Shri Krishna !!!,Please come forward to Protect the NCR.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

42 crore man hours lost on Delhi-NCR roads while waiting in the traffic. What do we do? It is good atleast this question has arised now I am writing since last 6 months at various forms.The following observations will give answer to the topic discussed:1.Do we see the Buses;Auto and tempos stop at thier desiginated place i.e at their Stands : No because the hawkers thinks that this place is their property & the Local MLA;M.P;Police or Traffic Inspector;District adminstration ,Mediais silent ,though they pass daily from there.You can see the example at anand Vihar Terminal at Delhi Entrance;at I.T.O;or at Arthal Peeer where un authorised Constriction is taking place;or at Link Road Police Chocki Police has made unauthorised construction while a slip road can be made;The hoarding to display the direction to cities is covered with UP Chief Minister Maywati's posters,but no body is dare to say any thingh.2.There is no review of pending Widening of Roads or Construction work of Roads.3.Daily pessangers are not Boarding on Buses or Auto from Stands.they will scatter though out the Road when any accident took place we blame the Bus operators.While in Mumbai a good traffic & Boarding sense is there.4.running of un authorised Charted busses is not controlled by Traffic Police they only note down the Nos or fine the educated persons who at least pay Road Taxes & follow at least traffic rules.5.There are many Corporate office in Okhala Phae -III behind Modi Floor Mill but gate widening work is taking very slowly & the other entrance from Chandi wala state side is not thought while very costly executives & Industralist enter in that premises some of them cost even Rs.1000 per min.So you can calculate how much talent money & Petrol & rresources of Country ois being wasted.CM Delhi is requesting on FM to follow traffic rules that's good but side by side she should penalise the persons for the delay of projects in their areas who so ever may be.%. Sari kale kha;Ashram;Gazi pur & many other bottles necks sp every body should co-operate & the local adminstration should religously folllow their duty.